Stats are provided by the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). All statistics are based on all MLS listed Residential and Condominium sales.
There has been an excellent number of sales in Winkler, Morden and Altona! The demand in the Pembina Valley remains strong as we reflect on the numbers in the past few years. Morden sales in the past year of 2021 appear to be lower than the previous year, 2020, but to no to fault other than the fact that there have not been enough listings in the area coming to the market. Even with those circumstances, the demand in Morden still remains strong in 2021 and continuing on into the new year. Winkler has continued to see a steady growth in 2021, as you can see it has increased 10% compared to 2020. Though Winkler and Morden have higher numbers altogether, let’s not neglect acknowledgment for Altona’s significant growth rate, increasing at a significant 42% in 2021 from 2020.
Taking a look at our Median Sale Price data, we are seeing that sale prices have increased in most communities in the Pembina Valley with Altona taking the lead with a 21% sale price increase over 2020. Winkler sale price has raised 9.6% from the previous year of 2020, while Morden has increased 5%.
Reflecting over the past year of 2021, we can come to agreement that our homes have certainly become our safe place. We have seen our homes evolve into home offices, school classrooms and much more. The value of each of our homes has increased not only in price value but in personal value to our emotional, mental and physical needs.
Both demand and growth are expected to continue as our communities invest in making the Pembina Valley a great and valuable place to work and live.