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Commission, Competition, and the My Listings Tool

We might make it look easy, but the real estate industry is very complex! This post will hopefully shed some light on some common misconceptions regarding how listing and selling commissions work, and how Choice Realty and our competitors can work together to sell listings. Also, you’ll find information on a new tool we’ve introduced to make finding your dream home easier than ever.

Who Pays Commission?

In a standard Real Estate transaction, there are 2 parties involved; the seller and the buyer (both represented by Realtors). When a property is listed (put on the market) the price it is advertised for INCLUDES all commission payable for when the property sells. After the sale, the commission is divided between both realtors involved with 100% of the commission paid by the seller. When you buy a house through a real estate agency, it’s free!

My realtor is from Choice, but I want to see a competitor’s listing! 

Even though real estate agencies are in competition with one another, they can still work together to sell properties. A common misconception is that if you’re dealing with a Choice Realty agent, you can only look at Choice Realty listings. Lots of people don’t know that your realtor can show, and sell you any listing advertised by any Real Estate Agency. Whether it’s listed by Choice or any other agency, we can show you every property.

My Listings Tool

Technology has granted the general public access to property information almost instantaneously through the internet. However, with more and more listings on the market and more agency websites to look through, it’s becoming a tedious task finding the home you’re looking for. With information being so easily accessible, homes can sell in a matter of days, sometimes hours! If you’re actively looking for a home to purchase, you’ll miss out on most of the hot listings unless you’re checking all the agency websites, DAILY! We’ve created a tool that will make the information come to you instead of having to check all of the different websites.

We are now offering a brand new tool through our website that allows you to get auto-email updates for all new listings FROM EVERY AGENCY that fall under the criteria you’re looking for.  The My Listings tool enables you to stay in the loop with all listings that are relevant to you, without having to constantly check all the different real estate websites for new listings. Take a minute to sign up in the form below.

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    WinklerMordenAltonaPlum CouleeRolandRM of StanleyRM of RhinelandRM of MontcalmSchanzenfeldReinfeldGretnaLowe FarmRosenfeld

    John WiebeSteve HildebrandDave KasdorfWaldemar DyckNic FriesenAbe WiebeCourtney HutchisonJohan KlassenKathy BueckertDon Martens

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