Photo credit: www.pembinavalleyonline.com
Just like that, Christmas is right around the corner. It’s the time of year where the snowflakes start to fall, the glow of decorated Christmas trees start to appear in our windows, and shelves are lined with Christmas goodies in our stores. Many of us love to immerse ourselves in the Christmas spirit, with all the decorating, music, and shopping that it implies.
We love all the lights and excitement, but we also don’t forget what it’s all really about. Winkler is a wonderful community to live in, because of the hearts of the people who live here. At Christmas, we take time to be thankful for all that we have, and Winkler and district residents are well-known for their quickness to give in a time of need.
The Winkler and District Christmas Cheerboard have experienced this over and over again. Year after year, they have witnessed the community opening up their hearts, their wallets and their cupboards to give some extra joy to those who need a helping hand. Because being a community means we look out for one another, and we’ve all experienced the joy of a helping hand being extended to us, in one form or another.
This year, the Cheerboard is excited for how far they can reach into the community, as they are expecting to deliver the largest amount of hampers to date; approximately 350 households. As always, these will be filled with the donations from our community, but this year they are most needing a different type of donation…your time!
Consider helping the Winkler & District Christmas Cheerboard this year by donating your time and use of your vehicle on Wednesday, December 12th to help deliver these 350 hampers.
No sign-up is necessary for drivers. Simply show up at 4:30pm at the Winkler Mennonite Brethren Church on 120 Pembina Avenue in Winkler! Let’s drive together and spread Christmas cheer!
However, if being a driver isn’t an option for you, there are other ways to fill needs and make a contribution this Christmas season!
- Scotia Bank Holly Jolly Breakfast
- Join the Cheerboard for the Scotia Bank Holly Jolly Breakfast on November 17th, price by donation. Listen to some local musicians and school choirs as you enjoy a breakfast of pancakes and sausage! You also have the opportunity to buy a teddy bear to give to a child. Come on down to the Southland Mall in Winkler for this event on Saturday, November 17th!
- Grocery donations
- Groceries are always being accepted and can be dropped off to any of the Cheerboard members OR they will pick up from you! Call 204-362-3946. Grocery donations for the hampers must be in before December 10th.
- Cash donations
- Donations can be given at the Winkler Co-op grocery store, alongside your payment for your groceries. Co-op will be accepting donations for several weeks.
- Gifts are purchased for children recipients of the hampers and any miscellaneous groceries, so money donations are always a welcomed gift
- Donations can be mailed to:
- Winkler & District Christmas Cheerboard – Box 1225, Winkler MB, R6W 4B2
- Tiber River Naturals Fundraiser
- Christine Peters, a consultant for Tiber River Naturals, is initiating a fundraiser called Lotions for Cheer. Her goal is to sell over 300 lotions at $10 per lotion (taxes included) so that each hamper this year can also include a lotion. You can contact her at 204-362-0184 or christine.tiberriver@gmail.com
The Christmas spirit is more than just the lights and music and baked goodies, it’s about the warmth of community, love and giving. The best kinds of gifts are not necessarily the big ones, but the ones that create a lasting impression.
As poet and author Maya Angelou said;
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”