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Offer Deadlines & Multiple Offers
Offer Deadlines & Multiple Offers By Dave Kasdorf Real Estate in the Pembina Valley has long been known for two key attributes – stability and affordability. In recent years, the market in the Winkler area has especially been known to be a strong seller’s market. In a strong seller’s market where the inventory is…

Before Buying
Before Buying By Nic Friesen You’ve saved up the down payment and made the decision that it’s time to buy a house… now what? Although a very exciting time, it’s typically a decision that leaves you with more questions than answers. Contrary to popular belief, perusing real estate websites for your dream home is…

Real Estate Lingo
Real Estate Lingo As Realtors, we often use lingo that may sound foreign to some of you. In an effort to bring some clarity to our Realtor language, we have prepared a basic real estate dictionary for your enjoyment and education. Appraisal vs. Home Evaluation/Market Value – An appraisal is something that a…

Manitoba Survey: Housing Preferences Have Changed
Manitoba Survey: Housing Preferences Have Changed When a person buys their first home, there are certain things that are important to them. When they buy their second home, chances are those preferences change too, whether it’s more entertaining space, more bedrooms, a yard, etc. It’s the journey that a lot of homeowners make….

2020: The Seller’s Market
2020: The Seller’s Market Looking back on 2020 in real estate, our local region continued to thrive. It was no secret that it was a year of the seller’s market. Seller’s market happens when there are more buyers than homes on the market, and a buyer’s market is when there are more homes…

Fall Market Report – 2020
FALL MARKET REPORT – 2020 “How has Covid-19 affected the real estate market?” We have been answering this question since COVID-19 entered all of our worlds, and it’s a fair one. Every industry has a different experience, and our local real estate industry has been spared many of the woes that friends in…

Roland: A Pledge to Better Living
Roland: A Pledge To Better Living *Click on any picture to expand* Roland is named after Roland McDonald (not to be mistaken with Ronald McDonald) who lived from 1850-1938 and farmed the current Roland area. He was known as a very fine man and a courageous pioneer. One of the stories he often…

Spring Market Report – 2020
2020 SPRING MARKET REPORT Stats are provided by the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). All statistics are based on all MLS listed Residential and Condominium sales. 2020 started as a normal year in our local real estate market until Covid-19 arrived, and we have felt an impact the way almost every other industry…

Choice History: 40+ years
Choice History: 40+ Years 1979 On September 9th, 1979 in the bustling village of Plum Coulee, the newspaper headlines read: CHOICE REALTY, NEW FIRM IN PLUM COULEE Choice Realty, the area’s newest real estate firm, opened September 1st, at 281 North Railway in Plum Coulee (Now 281 Main Avenue). Broker Henry Penner,…

Waldemar Dyck
Ищете недвижимость в Манитобе? Не знаете, с чего начать? Обращайтесь ко мне – Валдемару Дику (Владимиру), вашему надежному гиду в мире недвижимости! Переехав в Манитобу вместе со своей семьей 24 года назад, я хорошо понимаю все тонкости и особенности этого рынка, а также проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются иммигранты. Мой опыт и знание местных условий…